- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
TypeScript is a game-changer for JavaScript developers, introducing static typing and robust tooling to the language you already know. This course is designed to transform your JavaScript skills by teaching you how to leverage TypeScript’s powerful features to write cleaner, more maintainable code. You’ll start with the basics, learning how to set up a TypeScript project and understand its type system, before moving on to more advanced topics like generics, decorators, and integrating TypeScript with existing JavaScript projects.
Throughout the course, you’ll gain hands-on experience by working on real-world projects that demonstrate how TypeScript can improve your development process. By mastering TypeScript, you’ll be able to catch errors early, improve your code’s readability, and work more effectively in large-scale projects. This course is ideal for developers looking to enhance their JavaScript expertise or transition into roles that require TypeScript proficiency.
Key Features:
- Comprehensive coverage of TypeScript from basics to advanced topics
- Hands-on projects and real-world applications
- Access to a community forum for peer support and networking
- Certification upon completion
- Lifetime access to course materials and updates
Course Outcomes:
- Write and maintain scalable applications using TypeScript
- Understand and apply TypeScript’s type system to enhance code reliability
- Integrate TypeScript with existing JavaScript projects
- Leverage advanced TypeScript features like generics and decorators
- Gain practical experience through hands-on projects
- Earn a certificate to validate your skills
Enrollment Details:
- Duration: 12 weeks
- Mode: Online
- Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of JavaScript
1What is TypeScript?
Get an introduction to TypeScript, a strongly typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. Learn about its advantages, the problems it solves in large-scale applications, and why it's increasingly popular among developers.
2Setting Up a TypeScript Development Environment
Learn how to set up your TypeScript development environment. Understand the installation process using Node.js and npm, configuring your editor with TypeScript support, and setting up a basic TypeScript project.
3Basic TypeScript Syntax and Features
Explore the basic syntax and features of TypeScript. Understand the differences between TypeScript and JavaScript, including type annotations, interfaces, and classes, and how TypeScript improves code quality and maintainability.
4Compiling TypeScript to JavaScript
Learn how TypeScript code is compiled into JavaScript. Understand the TypeScript compiler (tsc), configuring the
file, and how to manage the compilation process for different environments.
5Type Annotations and Inference
Discover the power of TypeScript's type system. Learn how to use type annotations to explicitly define the types of variables, function parameters, and return values. Explore type inference and how TypeScript automatically deduces types.
6Primitive Types and Variables
Explore the primitive types in TypeScript, including
, andsymbol
. Learn how to declare and use variables with these types and understand the importance of strict type checking -
7Union and Intersection Types
Understand how to work with union and intersection types in TypeScript. Learn how to create complex types by combining multiple types, enabling more flexible and powerful type definitions.
8Working with Arrays and Tuples
Learn how to work with arrays and tuples in TypeScript. Understand how to define and use typed arrays, create tuples with fixed types and lengths, and leverage array methods with type safety.
9Enums and Type Aliases
Discover how to define and use enums in TypeScript to represent a set of named constants. Learn about type aliases and how to create custom type definitions for more readable and maintainable code.
10Function Types and Signatures
Learn how to define function types and signatures in TypeScript. Understand how to annotate functions with parameter and return types, and explore optional and default parameters.
11Arrow Functions and this Context
Discover how to write arrow functions in TypeScript and how they differ from traditional functions, particularly in how they handle the
context. Understand the benefits of using arrow functions in modern TypeScript code. -
12Function Overloading
Explore function overloading in TypeScript. Learn how to define multiple signatures for a single function, allowing the function to accept different types and numbers of arguments while maintaining type safety.
13Rest Parameters and Spread Syntax
Understand how to use rest parameters and the spread syntax in TypeScript. Learn how to handle variable numbers of arguments in functions and how to spread elements of arrays and objects
14Higher-Order Functions and Callbacks
Dive into higher-order functions and callbacks in TypeScript. Learn how to create functions that accept other functions as arguments or return them as results, and how to maintain type safety in these scenarios.
15Classes and Objects
Learn how to define and use classes in TypeScript. Understand the syntax for defining properties, methods, and constructors, and how to create and manipulate objects based on these classes.
16Inheritance and Polymorphism
Discover the concepts of inheritance and polymorphism in TypeScript. Learn how to create subclasses using the
keyword, override methods, and leverage polymorphism to create flexible and reusable code. -
17Interfaces and Abstract Classes
Explore interfaces and abstract classes in TypeScript. Understand how to define interfaces to enforce contracts for classes and objects, and how to use abstract classes as blueprints for other classes.
18Access Modifiers (Public, Private, Protected)
Understand the importance of encapsulation in OOP. Learn how to use access modifiers (
) to control access to class members and ensure the integrity of your objects. -
19Static Members and Methods
Learn how to define and use static members and methods in TypeScript classes. Understand when to use static members for shared data and functionality across all instances of a class.
Discover how to use generics in TypeScript to create reusable and flexible components. Learn how to define generic classes, functions, and interfaces that work with any data type while maintaining type safety.
21Type Guards and Type Narrowing
Learn about type guards and type narrowing in TypeScript. Understand how to use conditions to narrow down types at runtime and improve type safety when working with unions and unknown types.
22Mapped Types and Conditional Types
Explore advanced type features in TypeScript, such as mapped types and conditional types. Learn how to create complex type transformations and conditional logic within your type definitions.
Get introduced to decorators in TypeScript, a special kind of declaration that can be attached to a class, method, or property. Learn how to use decorators to add metadata, modify behavior, and enhance your classes and methods.
24Modules and Namespaces
Understand how to organize your TypeScript code using modules and namespaces. Learn how to export and import modules, avoid naming conflicts with namespaces, and structure your codebase for scalability.
25Promises and Async/Await
Learn how to work with asynchronous code in TypeScript using Promises and the async/await syntax. Understand how to write clean, readable, and efficient asynchronous code with proper error handling.
26Handling Errors in Asynchronous Code
Explore techniques for handling errors in asynchronous TypeScript code. Learn how to use try/catch blocks, handle rejected Promises, and implement fallback logic for robust applications.
27Working with APIs and HTTP Requests
Discover how to interact with external APIs and make HTTP requests in TypeScript. Learn how to use the Fetch API, handle JSON data, and work with RESTful services in a type-safe manner.
28Event Loop and Microtasks
Get an understanding of the JavaScript event loop and how it affects asynchronous operations. Learn about microtasks, macrotasks, and how the event loop impacts the execution order of asynchronous code.
29Integrating TypeScript with React
Learn how to use TypeScript in a React project. Understand how to set up a TypeScript-based React project, configure components with props and state, and ensure type safety in your React applications.
30TypeScript with JSX and Props
Explore how to use TypeScript with JSX syntax. Learn how to define and validate component props using TypeScript interfaces, ensuring your components are used correctly.
31Handling State and Context with TypeScript
Discover how to manage state and context in React applications using TypeScript. Learn how to type state variables, use the
hooks, and create strongly-typed context providers. -
32Advanced React Patterns with TypeScript
Learn advanced React patterns such as Higher-Order Components (HOCs), render props, and custom hooks, all while maintaining type safety with TypeScript.
33Unit Testing with TypeScript
Learn how to write unit tests for your TypeScript code. Understand how to set up testing frameworks like Jest or Mocha, write test cases for functions and classes, and ensure your code behaves as expected.
34TypeScript Debugging Techniques
Explore debugging techniques for TypeScript. Learn how to use tools like Visual Studio Code's built-in debugger, source maps, and breakpoints to find and fix issues in your TypeScript code.
35Testing React Components with TypeScript
Discover how to test React components written in TypeScript. Learn how to use testing libraries like React Testing Library and Enzyme to write unit and integration tests for your React components.
36TypeScript and TDD (Test-Driven Development)
Understand the principles of Test-Driven Development (TDD) in the context of TypeScript. Learn how to write tests first, implement code, and refactor with confidence, ensuring your TypeScript codebase is reliable and maintainable.
37Capstone Project
Apply everything you've learned in a comprehensive TypeScript capstone project. Build a full-fledged application using TypeScript, incorporating advanced features, best practices, and real-world use cases.
38Building a TypeScript Portfolio
Learn how to showcase your TypeScript skills through a professional portfolio. Understand how to present your projects effectively, highlight your code samples, and demonstrate your ability to build scalable applications with TypeScript.
39Collaborative TypeScript Projects
Explore how to work on collaborative TypeScript projects using version control systems like Git. Learn best practices for team collaboration, code reviews, and managing project milestones in a TypeScript environment.
40Preparing for TypeScript Developer Interviews
Get tips and strategies for TypeScript developer interviews. Learn how to tackle coding challenges, answer common interview questions, and present your portfolio and past projects to potential employers.
41Mock Tests and Quizzes
Prepare for TypeScript certification exams by taking mock tests and quizzes that simulate the actual exam environment. Test your knowledge, identify areas for improvement, and gain confidence before the exam.
42Certification Exam Strategies
Learn effective strategies for passing TypeScript certification exams. Understand how to manage your time during the exam, approach different types of questions, and review key concepts.
43Review and Recap of Key Concepts
Recap and reinforce key TypeScript concepts that are frequently tested in certification exams. Ensure you have a solid understanding of important topics like OOP, generics, and asynchronous programming.
44Practice Projects and Coding Challenges
Engage in practice projects and coding challenges that align with certification exam objectives. Gain confidence in your ability to apply TypeScript concepts in real-world scenarios and pass the exam with flying colors.